A Leap of Faith
It is a jump from the concrete reality of intellectual certainty to the ever-flowing expansive awareness of our divinity.
Life in the material world and Suicide: an old souls perspective from her personal experience in life and dying by suicide.
Murphy’s Law. How are you supposed to master life if mastering life is living from the heart yet your mind’s idea is living from your head.
A message for religious and non-religious people channeled from a young woman that died unexpectedly, instantly.
It just feels like a wave of me. They’ll get it. Right now, when they feel it, they cry. They think they are missing me, not feeling me...
I was whisked away by angels; A message from a daughter in spirit to her mom...
I feel the need to let you know that the minute you leave the earth you are whisked away by angels. You’re lifted right out of your skin...
One young man's interpretation of dying and the purpose of his early transition into spirit for his mom.
It is marshmallow pie. It’s like floating on a cloud. It’s like swimming in a river that is filled with cotton balls. I don't know how...
A message for a grieving father from his son in spirit. Dad: "I want him to know how much I love him and miss him."
I feel your love. I feel you constantly trying to make sure I feel it...
You gave me everything I needed to be who I came to be.
Opening Message for Moms with children in spirit @ the Mom Child Reunion 9/9/23
Here it is about journeying deeper into a place of acceptance that honors only soulful responsibility. Not an idea of the proper way to be
An experience dying: I was greeted in all of my glory, embraced by angelic energy that had no limits, like being wrapped in a blanket of love like you’ve never experienced, realizing that’s who I Am
I could feel everybody, like their prayers, their good thoughts about me, each one of them was like a beam of light lifting me right up....
You are here to believe what you already know – that the essence of your child, the energy of their consciousness, continues. Message for Mom’s with Children in Spirit
Here to confirm for yourselves what you know is real, what you feel deep down on the soul level is a recognition of a continued connection
Evolving the way we work with grief to evolve human consciousness - a message for a group of moms communicating with their sons in spirit...
These are powerful souls that you work with and this is a powerful time in human history for the evolution of human consciousness...
A Message Channeled from the Soul of Cleopatra to Women of the World in August 2024
The ones that stand in your way are not just men in fear of losing their power.
It is women in fear of living their power.