She asked: "What does it feel like to die?" He Answered...
Everything just left and there I was in this light that was everywhere and everyone was light.
Everyone, even you.
Everyone is light.
How to begin to communicate with loved ones in spirit.
This is a beautiful message given to 2 moms looking to expand their own ability to communicate with their children in spirit...
Am I the Entitled Ego or Am I the Curious Soul?
close your eyes, breathe deeply into the core of your beingness then imagine opening that box, lifting that lid and seeing a light so brilli
Monthly Soul-Food
But is it possible that in all that chaos there’s clarity? Is it possible that the chaos is necessary to find the clarity?
Evolve Beyond Grief One Step at a Time
"You’ve got to keep reminding yourself that only you can know what’s right for you, what’s working for you, what you’re ready for. I need...
Calming fearful thoughts during meditation...
Choose to be the inner calm and you’ll see it expand in you. Just as how you’ve chosen to be the fear it expands in your experience...
Modern mind's issue with Intuition
Modern day struggle with Intuition "Look at it this way. When you receive an intuitive sense of knowing it has to work through the mind....