You’re here to make it real. Your soul is looking to explode right past your perceived limits!
We are the black and the white
the light and the dark
the good and the bad
the fear and the love.
We are the positive and the negative
A gentleman asks his father: "Is he sitting with his siblings or is he sitting next to God?"
we put down our guns, we put down our weapons and we realize that we are meant to love one another, we are meant to bring life not take life
Beautiful message from a Father in spirit to his daughter
Everything is Energy I'm Energy; you’re Energy Why do you think I can make the lights flicker and the cool stuff happening on the computer
Find the Origin of Purpose of you; an experience of you that you’ve always known you were here to be
each one of you has been given a choice here to redefine who you are, what this life is about.
You have been given the gift of awareness.
A unique fascinating perception of dying from a daughter for her dad.
when the divine flows into your beingness, all of a sudden, you see all of the places that the divine wasn’t.
What happens when we die...Who are you going to want by your side?”
Don’t wait until the moment before your transition to think about it.
Think about it now.
Who are you going to want by your side?