You’re not walking alone...insight on communicating after death from a loved one in spirit
I hope you feel me with you each and every day. I hope you know it will be different each day, how I show up and what I prove I’m able to do
An Old Souls description of Life, Death, Heaven & Hell
In this moment our conscious realization converges with our subconscious sense of knowing and we become One with all there is.
Masculine and Feminine Energy
Masculine and Feminine Energy We can certainly engage this conversation and bring forth some illumination as far as the purposefulness of...
Self Love
We bring forth the energy of gratitude as always. We fill you with that sense of appreciation for your willingness to be here to open up...
The Angelic Realms Paris
We have come together in these moments of awareness to bring to the earth plane a sense of the limitless nature of the energy that we are....
30 Day Gratitude Challenge Entity Michael
We engage this energy with a tremendous sense of gratitude for all of your willingness to be here, to allow this energy to come forward...
It is a time of forgiveness. It is a time for each and every individual on the earth plane today to find it in their heart to forgive –...
Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal Relationships Podcast, Body, Mind, Spirit U We engage this energy with a sense of the direction that we look to take it in...
Who is God and how did man create God?
Who is God and how did man create God? It is a wonderful moment of coming together, isn't it, when we can come to this realization that...
Time for Authentic Living
There is a knowing that this is a beginning and this sense of knowing is bringing to the surface a myriad of considerations . Many of...