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Meet Laura

Laura Mirante is an internationally recognized Spiritual Channel, certified as a HeartMath trainer, Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master-teacher, Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, as well as an evolutionary healer and teacher of soul-centered living. For over 20 years, Laura has taken on the selfless responsibility of giving Spirit a voice. Through individual channeling sessions, group/public channels, podcasts, workshops, and her very essence of being, she inspires and leads others to greater union with their higher selves and soul’s purpose. With relentless faith and unwavering hope she assists in the process of releasing fear, discovering personal truth and emerging in a life directed by soul.  Yet, her ultimate daily inspiration to live true to her soul is her role as a mother to her beautiful son.  

Laura’s journey to becoming “employed” by Spirit was not a lifelong calling like many before her. Quite the contrary, it was a series of life-altering events in her mid-thirties that initiated her awakening to her true purpose. She has come to call these events “the three D’s”: Disease, Divorce, and Death.  These intense experiences redirected her path to the eye opening connection and bond she built with Sally and Steve Baldwin; her life was never the same again. Perhaps unforeseen, but it was this divine union that allowed her to discover her gifts as a Spiritual channel.

In 2012 Laura's friend, teacher and spiritual mentor Sally Baldwin transitioned to spirit and has been teaching Laura and teaching through Laura from spirit since. Sally's passion while on earth was working with Parents that have children in spirit and now Sally sits with the children in spirit while Laura sits and channels with the parents in the physical and through the connection they have built through channeling they are building bridges for new connections between parent and child to be explored. Sally is willing to guide anyone that wants to open their intuitive channels and live a soul-centered life!

What Can You Expect When Getting a Channel with Laura?                                         

As a Spiritual Channel, Laura will be giving you the opportunity to work closely with Spirit. You may receive messages from Loved ones, guides, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters or the higher self.  This allows you to gain a clearer bigger picture perspective on life in the physical. Only you will be able to recognize the undeniable feeling of truth Channeling creates deep within. With a new and profound sense of hope and faith, you will begin to move through life’s challenges with intuitively inspired grace and ease.


 Laura has devoted her life to understanding what it means to be energy in a physical body and is committed to sharing what she learns, in order to assist you in growth and embodiment of soulful truth.


 What is Laura’s Background and Other Certifications?

Laura Mirante is an authentic Spiritual Channel & Reiki Master. She has studied with Sally and Steve Baldwin, founders of the Dying to Live Again Foundation, William Lee Rand founder and President of the International Center for Reiki Training, Lorraine Murray author of the Calm Kids & Connected Kids books and founder of the Teach Children Meditation Campaign, the HeartMath Institute and renowned author Donna Eden, creator and teacher of Eden Energy Medicine.


Laura has volunteered her time and energy at Hospice, Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital and several different adult day care, homeless and community living facilities. She has devoted countless hours to families and children in crisis. She has an innate ability to help people move through difficult times in their life. She helps people recognize their intuitive connection to the divine and the higher purpose behind their experiences.

In Laura’s own words, “I do what I do for the Soul…souls in Spirit and souls in physicality. I remember my father, after his transition, telling me that not many people recognize him or give him a chance to prove he still exists and I know if it were me I would want people, especially my loved ones, to know I was still here.  My experience with my father ignited my desire to help others see death as a natural transition for the soul in the human experience, not as an ending.”  


Her greatest teachings come directly from her connection and constant communication with Spirit. This enables her to continually expand her understanding of the energy we are and how to work with it to create a more physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy, balanced and peaceful life.


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