Soulful Relevance
Insight Channeled live from Spirit
Soulful relevance is an experience defined for the effect that this experience has on the Soul and the way that that shifts the Soul’s experience of being human which, in effect, shifts the entire Human experience.
Michael 1-1-21
Laura Mirante will channel LIVE
Spirit's perspective
of current events or situations
based on your questions.
The 11th of every month
At 6pm Eastern Time
Via Conference Call
You can send your questions to
All topics will be considered and answers
will be spontaneously channeled live each month.
Register below to join Laura live or to receive the audio recording and transcripts. These messages inspire new ways of looking at situations every time you listen.
We understand people are in different situations
so we offer a sliding scale for these groups
-- please pay what feels astute for you ($11, $22 ,$44 or 88)
When it’s too big to wrap your head around it don’t try.
If you can’t figure it out maybe it’s because you shouldn’t.
When it’s uncomfortable for the ego it’s not wrong or bad,
it’s soulfully relevant.
On New Year’s Day 2021 Laura channeled a message from Michael challenging us to consider the ‘soulful relevance’ in our day to day experiences, especially the challenging ones, as a means of aligning the mind with the soul in order to calm anxiety and clarify intuitive insight.
When you just can't make sense of what is happening just the effort of seeking soulful relevance can shift your experience.
Spirit has the bigger picture point of view that we can't see through fear.
Right now life has people exploring the depths of fear, anger, grief, remorse, feelings of insecurity, inferiority and separation.
People are feeling overwhelmed by a fear of the unknowable future.
It's difficult to clear your mind of the fear when the majority of the population is defined by it.
Once a month we will take a vacation from our limited human perspective and tap in together for spirit to help us find the soulful relevance of our current experiences.
These messages will be a consistent empowering support system.
Each month Laura will channel the soulful relevance on topic(s) chosen from your questions.
Let's join in the intention to allow soulful relevance rather than fearful uncertainty define our experience.
Here is an excerpt from January 11, 2023 Soulful Relevance channel:
The Questions:
We would like to hear, from someone with their finger on the pulse of humanity, what do we have to look forward to?
I am concerned about the healthcare situation, particularly in America. I’ve been hearing frightening reports about shortages in hospitals of staff and medications. Is healthcare the next big business to fail?
What would love do?
You are here to challenge the thought patterns that don’t allow you to be the love that you are capable of being.
How about that?
And it does begin with you loving you in all of your glory, you recognizing there are no failures, only willingness to explore the limits of the human experience of being as the wondrous, glorious, perfect soul that you are inspired by the Universal Dynamic exploring the experience of being.
Simplify – who you think you are, what you think you are experiencing –
by letting go of the limited ideas that plague you, that tell you you are limited, that tell you society is limited, that tell you the future is damned, that tell you we are lost.
We are perfect;
openly exploring the limits of the previous generations,
openly illuminating where we can bring more love into this reality,
openly illuminating where the love is needed.
Where the love is needed.
There you are. Right there with it. When you see the wrongs of the world, when you see the wrongs of the institutions, you condemn. You add your voice to the fight, don’t you? You share your fear, your frightened interpretations, in a loving, caring way, of course.
But let’s refine our use of our mind.
Let’s refine our focused intent.
Let’s simplify our experience of being.
Let’s remember who we are.
Let’s remember what we are and let’s empower our experience with that truth.
limited only by my ideas of me and
only the logical mind can’t fathom living beyond itself.
Without an idea of you, you get to explore the divine you and many of you have moments.
You do, don’t you?
You feel it as if the Divine is trying to reach into this realm and show you who you are.
That’s true, isn’t it?
It’s real, isn’t it?
It’s happening, isn’t it?
Every day, more and more of you are seeing the signs and reflecting logically on the relevance of those signs where the mind is now coordinating a sense of openness and curiosity and belief even.
And you are feeling it - the way once the mind starts to believe, the easier this all works.
You are knowing it, aren’t you, that that was the tipping point.
Like I needed those amazing, timely synchronicities for my mind to believe in the Divine in this realm and my role in it all.
That’s what you get when you get a sign and your mind gets that that comes from a higher state of perception, a more magnanimous energy of purpose and it’s for you – whoa – the ego reels with excitement, reels with the sense of it’s specialness because someone, some higher authority, reached through the many levels and realms of existence to coordinate that divine synchronicity for you at that precise moment.
That matters.
That matters because in that moment that little mind cannot deny the enormity of purpose in that energy, cannot dismiss the relevance of that effort of the Divine, and cannot diminish intellectually that feeling of knowing – not in that moment, not at the precise coordinated exchange of love.
Without thought, when you have a moment of synchronicity in your life, the first thing you feel is loved and lovingly appreciative for that love, for that effort to make it real.
That’s how you build the bridge of love, isn’t it?
By breaking down all the logical barriers to believing this truth, this relevant awareness of the field of the awareness we-are-as-One.
That’s what you 'KNOW.'
Why would you think anything else ever?
That’s how you redefine the human experience -
Divine Love embodied in Divine Truth, ACCEPTED as TRUTH.
It’s not too easy.
Only the logical mind makes it harder than it has to be and it doesn’t mean you.
It doesn’t mean you, dear one, are the only one lost in the areas of uncertainty and logic and you can’t find your way out. It’s important to hear that because those are derisive devices impregnated in the collective psyche to trigger the dismissal of one’s innate authority. It is relevant to recognize that – that when you don’t know, the program is to feel inferior in yourself. It is important to know that. That is not your divine truth. That’s an intellectual program, one that you have the power to choose to dismantle in you.
Wow, that sounds cool. Wow, that sounds like something you want to do. Let’s to it, right? That’s what you are saying. I want to do that.
Register below to receive more soul nourishing channels each month.
"A thought that counters all fear, that counters all uncertainty.
I Am Divine."
We understand people are in different situations so we are offering a sliding scale for these groups -- please pay what feels astute according to your current situation ($11, $22 or $44)
Offline payments may be made via
Zelle @ 561-302-5405
Venmo @Laura-Mirante
You can make a one time payment or support these groups with recurring monthly support via PayPal