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Messages for Parents

I have never felt in my heart so connected to my daughter.

I was overwhelmed with tears and pride reading it. 

Reading the channel is like I’m sat right with her!

I have never felt her presence like that.

She was my guide long before I gave birth to her, my greatest teacher while on this earth plane and has continued to guide & teach me to this day.

I have always known this in my heart but somehow through your channel you have been the connecting link that has confirmed this for me in a tangible “worldly” way.

God bless you and thank you Laura

I’m genuinely feeling so blessed right now

If you have suffered the loss of a child

Laura would like to give you the gift of a message from your child in spirit. 

These messages are given in small groups in a very private setting.

We understand people are in different situations

so we are offering a sliding scale for these groups

-- please pay what feels astute according to your current situation

Join a Group & Listen ( $11, $22 ,$44 )


Receive a Message ( $55, $77, $88 )


Laura Thank you

for an amazing experience

yesterday beyond what I could have imagined.  

It really helped my mind body and soul.  

It was everything I needed and more.  

Just amazing.  I look forward to learning more

Quote from a daughter in spirit to her mom...

"I’m going to take you to places that people don’t realize exist.  
You are going to be able to hear me quite clearly and I don’t care if your fear says that you’re not. That’s what you and I are here to confront together. You know that our love is what keeps us connected and you know that you can create an image in your mind and that’s where I want you to focus. It's a bridge, mom. It’s a bridge that pops right out of your head in to the stars 
and that’s what you use.  
You climb over that bridge,

right out of the thoughts that tell you

you can’t,

and I’ll be there."  

About Us

It all began with this post:

December 2019

"Christmas music, holiday parties, and festive decorations that were meant to bring joy can serve as painful reminders of years gone by with loved ones that have passed.
As it is for most people experiencing loss, the holiday season can be the most painful time of year for parents missing their children.
This year I would like to offer any grieving parent the gift of a message from their child in spirit..."


Waiting List

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© 2020 by Laura Mirante. Proudly inspired by Spirit

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