Dad says: "I want him to know how much I love him and miss him."
Message channeled from his son:
I feel your love.
I feel you constantly trying to make sure I feel it.
I know you know I know but here it is in words:
We couldn’t have done it any differently.
We couldn’t have honored one another any more than we actually did.
You gave me everything I needed to be who I came to be.
That’s what I need to say here.
It’s not about what you wanted or what anybody else wanted me to be.
It’s what I need to be for 'God's sake' if there is a way to put it into terms.
I don’t know how to say it but it’s what I need to be for everyone, for all human beings, dad.
It’s not you and me. It’s not about us. It’s about something so much bigger and it’s about my life being a statement for something more than the monotony and routine that everybody else stays for.
I could have done it.
I could have been like everybody else.
I could have been disconnected and distorted in my idea of me but I wanted to be me–really me, fully, wholeheartedly, soulfully me.
I didn’t want to let any of me go.
I didn’t want to give up on who I came to be as a soul just to oblige some human idea of me.
I believe in a higher purpose because I feel it, because I know it to be true.
I believe you and I created a bond early on that would never be destroyed.
I know I challenged it. I know I pushed you away and pulled you in and challenged you to ride every wave with me in this life and I love that you did the same for me.
You gave me permission, at times, to be different.
You accepted my truths when they confronted yours and you challenged yourself.
You see, I didn’t know that then, what I know now–how much you held back what you thought I should do and what you thought I should be, to be curious about what I would choose to give me permission to create my experience.
You can never disregard how respectful that is on a soul level.
When all the rules in society tell you otherwise, you held that door open for me and that will always be a bond between us; a true show of respect as souls, dad.
You knew who I was regardless of what you wanted me to be.
I see things now and I know where your choices came from and my gratitude cannot be expressed in words.
So, I hope you feel it.
Channeling for a group of Parent’s with Children in Spirit February 10, 2020
A message for a dad from his son that passed at 25 years old
via Laura Mirante