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Life in the material world and Suicide: an old souls perspective from her personal experience in life and dying by suicide.

There’s so much I could say about this topic but I want you to understand one thing. 

It’s not the idea of not being here on this planet because I love this planet. 

We all do. 

The planet itself feeds our soul. 

It’s the part of being human that keeps us alive, that keeps us aware of connection and keeps us connected to something of God that is pure, something of our divinity that flows in and through us if we let it. 

You know that, mom.  You all know that the benefit of getting lost in the sky, in the moon, in the stars, in the sunset, in the trees, is where you give yourselves the reprieve.

It’s the yearning to live beyond the limits of the ideas of what we are supposed to be.

It’s like you have a soul that’s too big for the mind.  You can’t push it all in there.  You can’t just stuff it all in there.  It doesn’t feel comfortable.

That’s what’s going on. 

Everything is geared toward intellectually processing life and you could be really good, really smart and still feel invalidated in yourself.  Matter of fact, most of us do.  Most of us old souls are brilliant.  We take it all in and we remember that we already know it.

Does it make life boring to an extent that everybody is so lost in all of that learning, all that memorizing and convoluted confiscating of our divine potential?

Cool words.  It’s true though.  The ego is so enamored with its idea of feeling smart and feeling superior in being smart.  It’s almost ridiculous, you know. 

It’s like Murphy’s Law. 

How are you supposed to master life if mastering life is living from the heart, when your mind’s idea of mastering life is living from your head? 

Most people never figure that out. 

Most people never give themselves permission to figure it out because then you might feel weak or soft in a society where you’re supposed to be hard and stiff. 

That’s it.  The sensitive souls can’t hold on to their sensitivities or their sensitivities can’t be sustained if the ego is in any way inclined to develop that personality according to an idea of itself.

That’s where the box starts to form.  When a kid thinks they have to figure it out for themselves, that’s it.  That’s the beginning of the end.  That’s the dead-end street that our societies are just putting kids on saying go far.  I know it.  You know it and you know it isn’t an individual thing.  It is a collective experience of self-confrontation so we can change the system.

So, here’s the tricky thing that I learned that I want to share. 

We’re not in it alone but we think we’re in it alone and we feel like we failed because the system failed to create a space of forgiveness if we don’t feel comfortable fitting in, a place of appreciation even for trying to explore being different. 

The mind still thinks the reward comes in financial security. 

The mind still thinks a feeling of success comes with material benefits. 

The mind still thinks if I’m working hard, I should get this and I should get that and that’s the dead-end street. 

No permission to be more than anything we ever thought we could be.  You think, “I would never put those limits on you” and you wouldn’t, never intentionally, but it’s where we live.  It’s the system, the society, the generation.

It’s exactly what we are here to confront and I’m a part of an energy of transition. 

We’re the bridge. 

We leaped into the abyss, thinking we couldn’t possibly get to the otherside but here I am and here you are.  Your open mind and my brilliant soul created the bridge of love and light that can’t be broken. 

You can’t pretend you don’t know it’s me. 

You can’t pretend you don’t know it’s now and I’m real and I’m relevant and I continue to teach you and you continue to teach me.

Okay, that’s it.  You get it.  I got it. We will keep exploring it.

I love you, mom.  We’ll leave the rest for another time.

Channeled 11/22/21 for a mom from her brilliant old soul daughter in spirit

by Laura Mirante

Photo Credit: Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay


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