Breathe deep ladies and take it seriously for that simple effort can shift you in an instant.
It is all how you configure your idea of the power of that breath and the purpose of focusing there.
So I'll ask you to breathe deep and hold that breath for a moment and revel in it,
for in that focused state of Connection with the life-force energy, you bring into this conscious experience of you the higher levels of consciousness, you allow there to be a place in you where you can receive divine love, receive intuitive inspiration and hold the space for someone you love dearly to step into.
And that's the concept you're looking to master here
The art of being present and being open so much so that your loved one can ease into this realm with a great sense of purpose and intent to assist
and there is that between you isn't there?
that idea that on some level there's always an energy between you, connecting you,
instigating that desire for more connection,
for deeper connection,
and so much of what you work with now are the ideas of that and what to do with them, and how to ground that intuitive sense of knowing in a practical way that allows you to feel a moment of relief, to find a path of purpose, or even just to feel entitled to a reprieve from it all.
And you are there with it, each one of you in your own way,
calling forth the dynamic between you that works to settle the uncertainty,
that stirs the inner knowing to the point that there is no more reason to deny it,
No way that this can't be purposeful
And you're gaining ground each one of you on that exploration of what can be known
here, of what can be experienced here, but you recognize that self-compassion holds
you together, that it is a powerful energy that you have at your disposal that works.
It works to build the bridge,
it works to sustain the bridge,
and it works to offer you a place to sit and rest.
So recognize where your work is and then don't call it work.
Let it be what you're exploring in your day-to-day experience together as souls
Not what you're working toward,
take the idea of the goal away,
don't hold yourself accountable to any assumptions of success,
Not in this kind of an experience.
Here it is about journeying deeper into a place of acceptance that honors only soulful responsibility.
Not any obligation to an idea of what would be the proper way to be you right now.
What would be the right way to do this right now.
None of that works here and shouldn't be a part of this.
This is your journey, your unique exploration into divinity.
And how about that as a way to posture this at this stage of the game?
What else is there at this point to explore as souls other than the extent that you can know each other and establish a continued sense of purpose together.
Now remember it's tricky for when you think of purpose the logical mind will say,
“What do I do? because I have to do something to feel purposeful.”
but no that's where you’ve got to watch it, you’ve got to watch the way the mind works, you’ve got to watch the way it'll trip you up and hold you accountable to something that's more about ‘the doing’ and less about ‘the being.'
and you know what ladies?
That's where you connect with these brilliant souls
It's in the being
It's when you calm the mind and slow the body from doing that you become the receptacle, right?
that YOU become the receptacle
and now think about it,
Everything is Energy
Everyone is Energy
What are we looking to do?
We're looking to connect energy to energy
right but who's to say how to do that?
who's to say what's the right method of bringing that energy of love and connection and support and purpose into this realm
what's the right way?
who's to say?
well only you
when you sit in stillness with your beingness and you see yourself as the receptacle,
you start to get ideas and you peruse those ideas.
Should I sit in this posture?
Should I sleep in this way?
Should I do these rituals and protocols?
Yes, If that is what connects you and your mind's ideas of you to the divine you then by all means bring it all in and let it all work because it does because
everything is energy and everything is a unique expression of energy
So whatever you're bringing into the field that opens your mind to connecting well that's
adding energy to your experience of connecting, isn't it?
So it's good.
It's all how you posture it in your mind.
That's the kind of power you give it, so you keep reminding yourself you're the receptacle.
So if you are the receptacle, then what can you use?
What can attract that energy?
What magnetic force is available to you as a human being?
Yeah, the crystals, the pendulums, all of those kinds of mechanisms, yes they are things
the mind would work with.
And of course you give them power and they work.
But beyond that, what in essence is the magnetic force but you, but the love that you are, but the love between you as souls, that binds you that bridges the gap of uncertainty and insecurity,
and you have, haven't you, worked through that in your own ways, each of you with your individual experiences, the ones that challenge you to believe, the ones where you know you know what you know.
kudos to you ladies
For you give them a gift by acknowledging their existence in this present moment
the gift of life
for your belief in that allows that energy of purpose to exist in this reality.
You allow them to be a part of this with your acknowledgement, recognition
and camaraderie in the energy when you get those signs, when you're in awe of those synchronicities.
So can you feel something stirring inside of you something that says I've always
known there was something more about me, I've always known there was something more about them, and I've never really been able to put my finger on it.
Well, if this is where you are,
Could it be this, this very moment, this very process, this very confrontation of truth?
Could it be the ultimate challenge of being human? that you stand here in full Faith of what you know you feel as the continuation of the divine energy of purpose between you and your child, that the camaraderie of spirit as souls cannot be denied and that's what it is and that's what you know.
So hold tight ladies because you have some magnificent souls here looking to work into your ideas of you an energy of purpose far beyond anything you have yet conceived of.
And it is not anything to feel intimidated about and nothing to fear.
It’s a brilliant excursion into the depths of potentials to be love for each other as souls.
Oh, the way they look to bring you substance in your life.
Something that says,
"All right now, this is so real. I cannot live beyond it
Now, think of that, where it's not about living your regular day -to -day life and having these nice moments where a sign comes through every now and then.
Where what you're saying here is I'm working to be a healed expression of me because
I feel,
I feel the symmetry in the divine synchronicities occurring in my life now and I feel they speak to me on a deep soul level and I feel they are guided by someone who knows me very well.
So we'll get into it. We'll hear what these brilliant souls have to say and feel, what they look to extend to you as far as the ways they feel, and you want to pay attention to that.
You want to feel the different personas.
You want to feel the different persona representations of each of these individuals,
and you also want to feel where they touch you. Not only your child, but where the
energies of purpose, of the words of these other messages reach you.
That's how we work.
We share the journey, and intimately, don't we ladies?
We work ourselves into each other's ideas without even verbalizing them sometimes.
Pay attention to that.
You have a deep underlying presence of truth among you that works to coordinate in this reality a feeling of support.
Keep that in mind because if you see it like that,
like each one of you is a strand of energy and your strands are intertwined and
you're like a grid pattern of energy now going out to your own places in the world.
Well, imagine that I'll charge that up every once in a while and I'll make
sure that some good energy of divine power moves through it and gives you more to
work with because that's what it's all about.
We need to support each other to remember the oneness and that's what I'm getting to here, the Oneness.
That's this divine field of interconnection that we are all playing in and we're all feeding into it and we’re all feeding off of it and we're all finding each other in it
so I'll be there when you seek me out just know that the name Sally has a certain
frequency and it defines a certain expression of being and I offer that freely to
anybody, and all, that will engage it.
Now for the good stuff, ladies, let's hear from the children. And I know they're not all children, as many of them are a lot older than I am, as old souls but we're going to let this be what it is. So onwards and upwards, my friends, we will continue the journey as long as we exist and as we always have
Thank you Sally
Channeled at the Mom Child Reunion
9/9/23 by Laura Mirante